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Ask your MP to support a UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human RightsThe Stop Corporate Impunity logo. An illustration of people tying down a giant 'corporate' man in an orange suit and grey tie.

Please email your MP and ask them to support an international treaty to hold corporations to account.

In today’s globalised economy, transnational corporations have amassed tremendous amounts of wealth and power. Trade and investment agreements have granted big business rights without accompanying responsibilities towards people and the environment.

Now after decades of delays and obstruction, governments from around the world are negotiating a UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights that could fill a significant gap in international law. We need this now more than ever. Now is the time to take action.

If done right, it would set out the obligations for multinationals to respect human rights throughout their supply chains. It would give rights for workers and communities to challenge corporate power and ensure that international law recognises human rights as more important than trade and investment treaties. It would help ensure states hold big business liable where they fail to prevent human rights violations or environmental crimes, and set up mechanisms to deliver justice when states fail to.

People around the world are telling their governments how important this is. Please join the movement, and ask your MP to support a UN Binding Treaty.

Read our briefing on a UN Binding Treaty for more information.

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