News and Analysis

GM promotes poverty and dependency in Africa
BBC World Service radio listeners were misled on why African civil society rejects GM crops

Mango joins Bangladesh safety agreement – Gap and Asda refusing to sign
Manga was sourcing from the Rana Plaza building where over 1,000 people were killed

Women’s Day: Not only a day but years of resistance
War on Want today marks International Women’s Day by celebrating generations of women who secured vital rights, as well as supporting their successors battling against oppression and violence in the 21st century. War on Want continues to back women-led organisations and women human rights defenders who believe women are entitled to determine their own destinies and humanity’s future.

Farming injustice: end all trade with Israeli agricultural companies
Israeli agricultural export companies are at the heart of Israel's system of domination over the Palestinian people.

"Distribution of food vouchers does not mean that Adidas' hands are clean”
A message from the Kizone workers

Honduran shock doctrine continues
Despite what may seem a bleak outlook, Honduran people have taken a stand

Sweatshops in Bangladesh
The majority of garment workers in Bangladesh earn little more than the minimum wage

Sweatshops in China
Millions of internal migrant workers in China do not receive any state protection

War on Want supporting farmers in the global food crisis
What does food justice mean to small farmers in Sri Lanka?

A sweatshop worker tells her story
Arifa started working in Bangladesh's garment factories when she was 10 years old