Briefing: UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights

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We are calling on the UK government to support the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights and engage in the process of holding corporations accountable for human rights violations.
Briefing Paper of the UK Working Group on the UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations, October 2021

On 25-29th October 2021, governments will meet in Geneva to discuss the latest draft of the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights. This is a proposed treaty that seeks to hold corporations legally accountable for human rights violations. 

Transnational corporations benefit from an impunity gap where their power, complex corporate structures, and operations across multiple jurisdictions result in barriers to victims receiving justice.

We are calling upon UK parliamentarians to;

1. Call on the UK Government via a Parliamentary Question to engage positively with the UN Binding Treaty;

2. Become members of the Global Interparliamentary Network that supports the UN Binding Treaty process by signing the declaration;

3. Support the development of UK legislation to hold corporations accountable for human rights and environmental abuses.