

A Bitter Cup
Although the tea industry is booming and UK supermarkets are cashing in, workers in India and Keny are harassed, poorly paid and denied trade union rights on tea plantations and in tea packing factories.
Up Front: Food Justice
For over a billion people across the developing world, farming is a way of life, providing food, income and a sense of community rooted in generations of tradition. Yet in recent years this way of life is being threatened by unfair trade rules and the rise o...
Stop Arming Israel (2009)
Israel has flouted more UN resolutions than any other country yet the British government continues to license the sales of arms of Israel See the Stop Arming Israel page for updates on this campaign. 
Suur druiwe
Ongeag die prestasies en die belangrikheid van Suid-Afrikaanse wyn vir die ekonomie, het die<br />omstandighede vir diegene wat in die wynindustrie werk, vinnig agteruitgegaan.
Sour Grapes
Conditions for those working in the wine industry have deteriorated. Many wine workers come from the poorest sections of society and suffer from low wages, insecure working conditions, harassment and lack of housing.
Towards a Global Movement for Palestine: A Framework for Today's Anti-Apartheid Activism
A report from Stop the Wall and War on Want
Coca-Cola - Den Alternative Rapporten
Our Coca-Cola report translated into Norwegian, thanks to ATTAC Norway