

Arming Apartheid
Our new report, 'Arming Apartheid', details how trading arms with Israel makes the UK complicit in Israel’s continuing violations of human rights and international law.Image

G4S securing profits, globalising injustice
G4S, the world’s largest private security company, represents the new ideology of security in a neoliberal world. The company’s rapid growth is driven by the privatisation of security, warfare, prisons and a range of public services.
Life Under Occupation
A report of the first parliamentary visit to Occupied Western Sahara, February 2014
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
This report exposes the companies that are profiting from the Occupation and calls on ordinary people around the world to take action.
Stop Arming Israel (2009)
Israel has flouted more UN resolutions than any other country yet the British government continues to license the sales of arms of Israel See the Stop Arming Israel page for updates on this campaign. 
Towards a Global Movement for Palestine: A Framework for Today's Anti-Apartheid Activism
A report from Stop the Wall and War on Want
Profiting from the Occupation
Corporate complicity in Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people