
BFAWU leaflet #FFS410
"Workers at JD Wetherspoons will take part in strike action on the 4th of October alongside McDonald’s, TGI Fridays and Uber Eats workers. Wetherspoons and McDonald’s workers are striking for £10 an hour, union recognition and respect on the job."
Infosheet: Stand With Migrant Workers
Migrant workers across the UK face prejudice, abuse and exploitation. In the wake of Brexit, the call to ‘control our borders’ risks being used to not only restrict freedom of movement but to weaken the rights of migrant workers.
Leaflet: Stand With Migrant Workers
War on Want believes in decent work and a living wage for all, regardless of immigration status. Only by protecting equal social and labour rights for all workers can we stop a race to the bottom where employers drive down working conditions for everyone.&nb...Image