
Up Front: Rough Trade
Rich countries dominate international trade talks, demanding more and more concessions from poorer and less powerful states. War on Want is campaigning alongside those most affected by globalisation
Coca-Cola - Den Alternative Rapporten
Our Coca-Cola report translated into Norwegian, thanks to ATTAC Norway
Coca-Cola - The Alternative Report
This report looks at Coca-Cola, one of the most recognised brands in the world. The company claims to adhere to the highest ethical standards yet Coca-Cola’s activities around the world tell a different story
NAMA Briefing
The Doha Deindustrialisation Agenda: Non-Agricultural Market Access Negotiations at the WTO. The NAMA negotiations are of extreme importance to developing countries.
The State of Tea
"A War on Want investigation into Sri Lanka's tea industry and the plight of the estate workers"
The Baby Killer
War on Want was the first organisation to draw attention to the damage caused by baby milk companies with its groundbreaking 1974 publication The Baby Killer.