

Briefing: The case against corporate courts
ISDS is an unjust mechanism that should have no place in the UK’s trade and investment policy.
ISDS files: Philip Morris v Australia
Tobacco giant sues Australia over plain packaging for cigarettes
The Trans-Pacific Powergrab
TPP Briefing: Why joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership would be bad for people and planet – and the UK
Trade Bill: Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for International Trade’s statement fails to give MPs a ‘meaningful say’ over post-Brexit trade
Liam Fox MP, the Secretary of State for International Trade, made a statement to the house on Monday 16 July, on a transparent and inclusive future trade policy. The fact that he made such a statement is welcome and overdue, however his proposals largely lea...
The Trade Bill: Constitutional implications and recommendations
A broad range of civil society organisations are deeply concerned that, as it stands, the Trade Bill gives the executive vast powers over trade policy. 
Briefing: UK-Israel trade
The UK Government has identified Israel as a priority trading partner with which it will negotiate a bilateral trade agreement post-Brexit, replicating its current trade arrangement under the EU-Israel Association Agreement.
Trade Democracy in Wales EN
How post‐Brexit trade deals could undermine Wales’ food, health service and devolved powers, and how to make sure they don’t. English language version.
Democratiaeth Masnach Yng Nghymru
Sut y gallai cytundebau masnach ôl‐Brexit danseilio bwyd, gwasanaeth iechyd a phwerau datganoledig Cymru, a sut i wneud yn siŵr nad ydynt yn gwneud hynny.
Back to Basics: Progressive Trade Deals
When the UK leaves the EU it will be in charge of its own trade policy for the first time in more than 40 years, so trade is set to be a hot topic for years to come.