
Eritreans Exploited: UK corporate complicity in human rights abuses
Eritrea is one of the most repressive states in the world: no elections since 1993; a crackdown on press freedom; forced labour; arbitrary arrest and detention without trial; indefinite compulsory military conscription; and sexual violence against women and ...Image

The New Colonialism: Britain's scramble for Africa's energy and mineral resources
The report reveals the degree to which British companies now control Africa’s key mineral resources, notably gold, platinum, diamonds, copper, oil, gas and coal.
Extracting minerals, extracting wealth: how Zambia is losing $3 billion a year from corporate tax dodging
Zambia has abundant natural resources - including minerals and agriculture yet gains little tax revenue from the extraction of its resources, leading to lost oppportunities to invest in public services such as education and health.
Polluted promises: how Shell failed to clean up Ogoniland
Shell is responsible for a toxic legacy in the Niger Delta. People are dying and have no clean water because Shell destroyed their environment by drilling for oil.
Mengipasi Bara Api (Indonesian translation of Fanning the Flames)
Peran perusahaan pertambangan Inggris dalam konflik dan pelanggaran HAM
Fanning the Flames
The role of British mining companies in conflict and the violation of human rights