News and Analysis

Ten reasons to join us in the BDS movement today
BDS at 10 years: A decade of solidarity with Palestine

Killer drones
Drones are indiscriminate weapons of war that have been responsible for thousands of civilian deaths

Gates Foundation sells down its shares in G4S
Universities, banks, charities and trade unions across the world have terminated contracts with G4S over its role in Israel's prison system.

Oil uprising: Two decades after Ken Saro-Wiwa's death, the Ogoni struggle is reigniting
The Ogoni people's struggle against Shell

East London Teachers Association condemns G4S contract with Israel’s Prison System
War on Want welcomes the principled motion passed by ELTA

Colombian protests show cracks in disastrous economic model
Colombia bore witness to a remarkable uprising

Communities mark anniversary of killings of protestors in struggle against Conga mining project in Peru
Cajamarca are fighting off the second largest gold mining project in South America