#SportsDirectShame: Turning tragedy into change for migrant workers Now is the time to demand an end to precarious contracts 02 September 2016
Image Stand With Migrant Workers: End Precarious Contracts Migrant workers across the UK face racism, abuse and exploitation 19 July 2016
Image The global food system and the expansion of corporate capitalism Sustaining corporate profits rather than meet people’s needs. 24 February 2016
Image Living wage: a global battle A living wage is a basic entitlement of all working people the world over 13 May 2015
GM promotes poverty and dependency in Africa BBC World Service radio listeners were misled on why African civil society rejects GM crops 28 July 2014
Farming injustice: end all trade with Israeli agricultural companies Israeli agricultural export companies are at the heart of Israel's system of domination over the Palestinian people. 14 January 2013
War on Want supporting farmers in the global food crisis What does food justice mean to small farmers in Sri Lanka? 06 May 2008
Image Coca-Cola: drinking the world dry Coca-Cola has been accused of dehydrating communities in its pursuit of water resources 19 November 2007