News and Analysis

Campaigning for Trade Justice in 2016: TTIP, CETA, Brexit and Trump
From the mass leaks of TTIP documents through to Brexit, CETA’s near demise, and the rise of Donald Trump

Monsanto-Bayer merger won’t hide corporate horrors
The colossus that will arise must not divert attention from the true nature of Monsanto’s food crimes.

Trade justice after Brexit
We must adhere to key principles which apply to any trade deals we negotiate

TTIP leaks expose massive threat to food and farming
Non-rotting mushrooms and cheaper hormone-free beef – what’s not to like about TTIP?

TTIP document leak – selected text preview
The massive leak of negotiating papers will reveal the true extent of the danger posed

What I didn’t read in the TTIP reading room
Katja Kipping was one of the first German MPs to gain access to the new TTIP reading room

TTIP in 2015: Building the Fightback
The people power movement against TTIP grew throughout 2015

TTIP: A week of victories
John Hilary reflects on an extraordinary few days on both sides of the Atlantic

TTIP and the NHS: don't be fooled by new BBC 'leak'
Rebuttal of the 'reassurance' that the NHS can be protected from the EU-US deal