

Arming Apartheid
Our new report, 'Arming Apartheid', details how trading arms with Israel makes the UK complicit in Israel’s continuing violations of human rights and international law.Image

G4S securing profits, globalising injustice
G4S, the world’s largest private security company, represents the new ideology of security in a neoliberal world. The company’s rapid growth is driven by the privatisation of security, warfare, prisons and a range of public services.
Life Under Occupation
A report of the first parliamentary visit to Occupied Western Sahara, February 2014
The Hunger Games
This report reveals how DFID has been using hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money with the express purpose of extending the power of agribusiness over the production of food, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.
Food Sovereignty report
The report contrasts the UK government’s preferred approach of ‘food security’, based on free markets supplemented by aid, with the positive alternative of food sovereignty, which returns control over the food system to farmers. 
Join the food sovereignty revolution
The global food system is in crisis. Decisions about what is produced, what is consumed and who has access to food are defined by multinational corporations that control the entire food chain.
Up Front: Food Sovereignty
In 2009, for the first time in human history, over a billion people were officially classified as living in hunger.