
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
This report exposes the companies that are profiting from the Occupation and calls on ordinary people around the world to take action.
Briefing: No More Business As Usual
The world is in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Millions of jobs have already been destroyed and millions more are under threat.
El comercio del empleo
Miles de millones de hombres y mujeres trabajadores en todo el mundo se les ha negado la oportunidad de un trabajo digno y un empleo seguro, como consecuencia de las políticas de libre comercio.
Stop Arming Israel (2009)
Israel has flouted more UN resolutions than any other country yet the British government continues to license the sales of arms of Israel See the Stop Arming Israel page for updates on this campaign. 
Up Front: Rough Trade
Rich countries dominate international trade talks, demanding more and more concessions from poorer and less powerful states. War on Want is campaigning alongside those most affected by globalisation
Towards a Global Movement for Palestine: A Framework for Today's Anti-Apartheid Activism
A report from Stop the Wall and War on Want
Profiting from the Occupation
Corporate complicity in Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people