

Arming Repression: The new British Imperialism in the Persian Gulf
The UK government is playing a key role in arming repression throughout the Persian Gulf, making a mockery of any commitment to democracy and human rights, according to a new report published by War on Want.
Mercenaries Unleashed: The brave new world of private military and security companies
Private military and security companies (PMSCs) burst onto the scene 15 years ago, following the declaration of a ‘war on terror’ and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. 
Voices of Dissent
This booklet explores the violence of neoliberalism and its infringements on human rights. It uses case studies which are drawn from the experiences of grassroots communities in South Africa, the UK, Mexico and Colombia to highlight the violence against the ...Image

Arming Apartheid
Our new report, 'Arming Apartheid', details how trading arms with Israel makes the UK complicit in Israel’s continuing violations of human rights and international law.
Up Front: The New Frontlines of War
Across the world, companies are actively fuelling armed conflict in resouce-rich countries
Up Front: Privatisation of War
With the recent furore over private security contractor G4S failing to supply the required number of security personnel for the Olympics, this issue of Up Front looks deeper into the murky underworld of private military and security companies.