Governance Review Consultancy
War on Want is a radical charity, formed over 70 years ago which exists to campaign for action on the root causes of poverty. These are understood to be political, the result of choices made by governments and corporate elites. War on Want’s history has taught that only by educating the public about the root causes of poverty and the solutions needed, alongside them taking collective action together, can we bring about the change needed.
War on Want works in the UK and globally with in partnership with trade unions and grassroots social movement groups to challenge the structures of poverty and injustice. War on Want is a membership-based Charity with a memorandum and Articles of Association which historically stem from the formation of the organisation and are geared to membership election of the Council of Management (Trustees). The Council of Management (CoM) are nominated and elected for a period of 3 years with a maximum of two terms, without a break of a year. The maximum number of trustees is 12.
War on Want wishes to appoint an external consultant to carry out a governance review which assesses how well the charity achieves good governance principles as expressed in the Charities Code of Governance, especially in relation to Board effectiveness, Accountability, and Diversity and Inclusion. The consultant will also be expected to review the Articles of Association of the organisation and to make recommendations on changes that improve effectiveness, or, as may be required to meet regulatory requirements. The consultant will lead the governance review process, supported by a steering committee made up of members of the Board, the Senior Management team and representatives of the staff.
Proposals are invited to bid for the work which should include an outline of key tasks, timelines, and costs.
Further details can be obtained from:
Proposals from consultants with experience of human rights work in the UK and internationally will be at an advantage.
Proposals should be submitted by 10 October 2022.