Image Protect local democracy The policy to block local council divestment is a grave threat to the fight for human rights 20 January 2016
MPs debate Palestinian child prisoners "warm words to encourage Israel to act differently are not working" 11 January 2016
Image Women factory workers in Honduras Workers in textile factories face sweatshop conditions 23 June 2015
Image Ten reasons to join us in the BDS movement today BDS at 10 years: A decade of solidarity with Palestine 10 June 2015
Image Living wage: a global battle A living wage is a basic entitlement of all working people the world over 13 May 2015
Image Killer drones Drones are indiscriminate weapons of war that have been responsible for thousands of civilian deaths 13 May 2015
Image The reality behind UNIQLO's corporate social responsibility promises Excessive overtime, low pay, dangerous working conditions, punitive and oppressive management style 23 February 2015
Gates Foundation sells down its shares in G4S Universities, banks, charities and trade unions across the world have terminated contracts with G4S over its role in Israel's prison system. 29 May 2014
East London Teachers Association condemns G4S contract with Israel’s Prison System War on Want welcomes the principled motion passed by ELTA 30 September 2013
Mango joins Bangladesh safety agreement – Gap and Asda refusing to sign Manga was sourcing from the Rana Plaza building where over 1,000 people were killed 15 May 2013