Farmers around the world are protesting decades of government pressure to produce crops more and more cheaply at the expense of farmers’ livelihoods and the environment.
Amazon paid £0 in UK corporation tax last year. How do rich multinational corporations get away with paying little-to-no tax on their vast profits – and who is paying for the black hole this lost tax revenue leaves in public finances?
The right to food is an internationally recognised human right. But for Palestinians, this right is under attack by Israel’s apartheid and occupation regime.
We are deeply concerned by the escalation of violence in the occupied Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and Israel. This has resulted in an unacceptable loss of life — and we urge all parties, including the international community to work to stop the bloodshed.
A post-extractive approach understands that resources are finite and hold value beyond their monetary value, and that the process of extraction has costs far beyond the financial. Resource use must be justice-based, and prioritised raising living standards for the majority of people within planetary limits, rather than maximising profit for a few at any cost.
London-based mining company Anglo American claims to be a climate leader — yet its mining projects are devasting Global South communities and the environment.
While 2022 has been a year of growing repression, worsening economic crisis and climate breakdown, War on Want’s partners, supporters and allies have continued to fight against the root causes of global inequality and injustice. 2022 has also been a year of resistance, unity, and struggle.
The UK and other rich industrialised Global North countries must take responsibility for fuelling the climate crisis by paying climate reparations to countries in the Global South.