
UK-Israel trade deal consultation response
The UK’s current trading relationship with Israel raises serious questions for the UK government across a range of important foreign policy issues including its duties under international law.
Israeli Government’s attacks on six Palestinian civil society groups must be resisted
On 19 October 2021, the Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz declared six Palestinian civil society groups as ‘terrorist organisations’.
Briefing: UK weapons and Israel's use of force against civilians
The UK Government has approved export licences for weapons to Israel used in militarised repression against Palestinians. This means that the UK is providing material support for Israel’s illegal use of force. Updated September 2021
Joint Letter to UK Gov on Palestinian Mass Arrests by Israeli Security Forces
War on Want, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights, and Amnesty International UK have written to the UK government
UN Binding Treaty Briefing – UK Working Group
UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights briefingImage

The UK's Climate Fair Share Infographic
The UK has spent two centuries growing rich from industrialisation driven by fossil fuels, making it the sixth highest emitter of greenhouse gases of all time and the fifth richest economy in the world.Image