Workers in the fast-food industry face poverty even when they work full time. Insecure hourly contracts mean living with the constant threat of not getting enough hours to pay the bills. Workers also face bullying and sexual harassment on the job, without a recognised trade union to give them respect and a voice at work.
McDonald’s makes billions every year, but fails to give back to the communities where it operates. It doesn’t pay living wages or it’s fair share of taxes. In 2017, workers in the McStrike made history when they joined the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union (BFAWU) and went on strike for the first time. They won McDonald’s workers across the UK the biggest pay rise in over ten years.
McDonald’s workers are now calling for a New Deal: a real living wage of £15 an hour, guaranteed hours, and recognition of their trade union.
We support fast-food workers in the McStrike to speak out. We raise up their demands, and challenge McDonald’s unaccountable power. We stand with the global movement of fast-food workers who are fighting for a living wage, job security and respect for their trade union rights.
Discover more

We will never stop fighting for workers' rights

Secrets and Fries: McDonald’s £295 million tax dodge

Seventy years fighting against global poverty

McStrike days of action 2019

#MeToo McDonald's week of action

Celebrating our work with trade unions

Migrant and precarious workers are winning Britain a pay rise

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#SportsDirectShame: Turning tragedy into change for migrant workers
Stand With Migrant Workers: End Precarious Contracts
Take action
Secrets and Fries
How McDonald's abuses the UK tax regime to dodge its global taxes
BFAWU leaflet #FFS410
"Workers at JD Wetherspoons will take part in strike action on the 4th of October alongside McDonald’s, TGI Fridays and Uber Eats workers. Wetherspoons and McDonald’s workers are striking for £10 an hour, union recognition and respect on the job."
Leaflet: Stand With Migrant Workers
War on Want believes in decent work and a living wage for all, regardless of immigration status. Only by protecting equal social and labour rights for all workers can we stop a race to the bottom where employers drive down working conditions for everyone.&nb...