Image Food sovereignty and peasants’ rights in the time of pandemic Testimonies from our partners in the Global South 22 April 2020
Image McStrike days of action 2019 As McDonald's workers from 6 south London stores went on strike, supporters took to the streets 09 November 2019
Image #MeToo McDonald's week of action McDonald's saw a full week of union action on sexual harassment 31 May 2019
Image Fast Food Shutdown FFS410 4 October 2018 was an historic strike of hospitality workers 15 October 2018
Image Celebrating our work with trade unions Standing shoulder to shoulder with working people wherever they are 09 February 2018
Image Tunisia's forgotten peasants Peasants in southern Tunisia are forgotten and left behind 13 December 2017
Image Water warriors worldwide putting water back in people's hands People are winning back their water around the world 26 October 2017
Image Migrant and precarious workers are winning Britain a pay rise They are leading the fights to get organised 17 October 2017
Image Struggles and stories of resistance in North Africa and West Asia Highlighting some stories of resistance and social justice struggles 21 June 2017
Theresa May’s promise to protect workers’ rights rings hollow for migrant workers Theresa May’s promise to protect workers’ rights during Brexit will mean nothing if migrant workers are neglected 20 January 2017
DFID’s CDC Bill is ‘shameful’ The government has serious case to answer when UK taxpayers’ money ends up in the coffers of a palm oil company 07 December 2016
Monsanto-Bayer merger won’t hide corporate horrors The colossus that will arise must not divert attention from the true nature of Monsanto’s food crimes. 14 September 2016