
Joint statement on raids of Palestinian organisations
We join 13 other UK-based humanitarian, development, human rights and faith charities — working to support the rights and wellbeing of the Palestinian people — in urging the UK government to take immediate action to protect Palestinian human rights defenders...
Barclays: Arming Apartheid
UK banking giant Barclays provides billions of pounds worth of investment, loans, and financial services to arms companies, including Elbit Systems, known to be supplying Israel with weapons used to repress the Palestinian people.
Statement on 15 years of the Gaza blockade
UK charities call for immediate end to closure of Gaza after 15 years of collective punishment and imposed fragmentation
The Energy Charter Treaty - a climate threat.
Parliamentary briefing on the ongoing threat of the the Energy Charter Treaty to climate justice.
ISDS Files: AngloAmerican vs. Colombia, Glencore vs. Colombia
UK and Swiss companies are suing Colombia after a Colombian court prevented the companies from expanding a coal mine, using ISDS provisions in the UK-Colombia and Switzerland-Colombia BITs.
Briefing: UK weapons and Israel's use of force against civilians
The UK Government has approved export licences for weapons to Israel used in militarised repression against Palestinians. This means that the UK is providing material support for Israel’s illegal use of force. Updated September 2021