
The Energy Charter Treaty - a climate threat.
Parliamentary briefing on the ongoing threat of the the Energy Charter Treaty to climate justice.
ISDS Files: AngloAmerican vs. Colombia, Glencore vs. Colombia
UK and Swiss companies are suing Colombia after a Colombian court prevented the companies from expanding a coal mine, using ISDS provisions in the UK-Colombia and Switzerland-Colombia BITs.
UN Binding Treaty Briefing – UK Working Group
UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights briefing
Parliamentary Briefing: A Corporate Duty to Prevent Negative Human Rights and Environmental Impacts
We urgently need a new law to hold companies to account when they fail to prevent human rights abuses and environmental harmsImage

The UK's Climate Fair Share Infographic
The UK has spent two centuries growing rich from industrialisation driven by fossil fuels, making it the sixth highest emitter of greenhouse gases of all time and the fifth richest economy in the world.Image

Los ríos que sangran: Minería británica en América Latina
La expansión de la megaminería británica en América Latina está desplazando comunidades, destruyendo ecosistemas, costando vidas y contaminando nuestro planeta.
Up Front: Defending the Defenders
At War on Want we believe that a just world is possible. As part of our fight against the root causes of poverty and human rights violations, we work directly with inspirational communities, grassroots groups and social movements in the struggle for a better...Image